First Questions to Ask a Fence Contractor
Posted December 15, 2021 to Before You Buy: Tips, Advice, Checklists.
You finally decided to add a fence to your property. You have a general idea of what type of fence and where you want it. Now, it is time to call a contractor to get an estimate and get started. But what questions besides price should you ask about? Here at Sierra Structures, based on our experiences, these are the first questions to ask a fence contractor.
1. Is your company licensed to operate in North Carolina? To reduce your legal and financial risks, you want assurances that you are dealing with a licensed contractor. Allowing an unlicensed contractor means you could be responsible for subpar work or worse for any accidents or injuries on your property.
2. Does your company carry insurance (liability and worker’s compensation?) Speaking of those risks, licensed contractors will carry both of those. You want assurances that is the case.
3. Does your company pull permits? The best contractors not only know which local permits are needed, they also work to obtain them. Permits are necessary for homeowner’s insurance coverage.
4. How long has your company been in business under the current name? This helps you research the contractor for references, online reviews, and business history. You want a contractor with a strong and long-term reputation.
5. Will you provide a written contract? Written agreements protect both the property owner and the contractor. The contract will break down both materials costs and labor costs. All payment details along with stipulations should be covered in the contract.
6. How deep will you set the posts? Generally speaking, the taller the fence, the deeper the posts need to be. The answers depend on the materials and style of the fence in addition to the terrain, wind loads or other conditions. You want to know the contractor has to expertise to do it correctly.
The questions above are just the tip of things to know. When you call us, we will gladly answer each and every question you have to assure you that we will provide you with the best quality fence and workmanship. Contact us today to get your free estimate.
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